Society Formation Guidelines

// Member Societies

Society Formation Guidelines


Initiation of Society

When there are more than 30 members of the IMS in a city, a local Society of the IMS may be formed in that city. Initiating a formal Society in any city is to pioneer and consolidate interest and care of menopausal women in that city under the auspices of the Indian Menopause Society. At least 30 like-minded people should have enrolled as life members of the Society from that city. 10 of these would need to be gynaecologists, 10 medical doctors but non-gynaecologists and  10 either medical or non-medical individuals with an interest in menopause, who are IMS life members. Once 30 registered life members are there in the city and a formal inauguration has taken place, the Society is officially recognized. If there are fewer than  30 members in the city or any number of IMS life members there, they may encourage others to become life members. All the registration forms and cheques could be collected and posted in bulk by the person initiating the local Society to the Treasurer of the IMS and inform the President and the Secretary General. The Society would then need to have an inaugural meeting which a member of the National Executive Council should attend and inaugurate and officially declare as a formal Society of the IMS.
The IMS member who initiates the Society and enrolls the other remaining members would have the prerogative of being the first President and Founder of the local Society of the IMS for the first term, ordinarily up to 2 years. The Secretary would also be the representative of the Society to the IMS in the Governing Council as a Governing Council member.
A Secretary and a Treasurer would need to be nominated by the Society President to enable the Society to run the local account. A local Society account of the Society would then be opened to run the local Society activities.
This account will be operated jointly by at least 3 members who may be either the local Society President, Secretary, Treasurer or any member of the national IMS Executive Council or Governing Council who belongs to that Society.


 Society Office Bearers and local elections at the Society level

1. The first President is the IMS life member who has initiated the Society. It is the prerogative of the President to choose its Secretary and Treasurer. All 3 will constitute “The Executive Office Bearers of the Society”.
2. Society Executive Council members of 7 posts are open to any IMS Life members, of that Society who are doctors.
3. The election of the Executive Office Bearers thereafter will be from amongst the Executive Council members of theSociety.
4. The maximum term for any one person in any one capacity can be for a maximum of 2 terms.
5. Any communication in future between the National Executive and Governing Council members and the Societymembers would need to be sent to the Society President. The Society President would then be responsible to pass on this information to their Society members. Communication from the Society to the National Secretariat should be through the Society President to the Secretary General. It would be the responsibility of the Secretary General to ensure that the communication is then passed on to the President and Vice President and Treasurer and to the rest of the Governing Council members whenever appropriate. On receipt of any communication, the receiver should always acknowledge receiving it within a week. If no acknowledgement is received, it may be presumed that the communication for some reason is not received. This will help improve communication between the Executive Governing Council and the Society and members.
6. To maintain uniformity, all the various Society will use the same designation for all the Society Office Bearers / Executive Committee of the local Society viz. Society President, Secretary and Treasurer.
7. All Past Presidents must be included as permanent members of the National Governing Council as well as of theSociety Executive Council of the local Society of the city wherever they may be living at the time. In the local Societyexecutive council,the Past Presidents would be Council members in addition to the 7 Society Executive Council members.
8. The Secretary General shall do one extra turn as ex-officio member at the national level as part of the Governing Council and then permanently be ex-officio member of the local Society Executive Council where they are/may be residing.
9. The founder Society President would be permanent Executive Council members of the local Society where they are resident at the time.
10. It is recommended that members of the Society for local co-ordination of updates and awareness programmes in various fields may be nominated or elected at initiation of the Society. Thereafter they will be elected by the members of the local Society.
11. There may be up to seven executive committee members of the local Society who would constitute the local Societyexecutive body of Office Bearers.
12. Whenever there is to be a change of guard (election), it will take place first at the national level. This will be followed by elections at all the Society levels - all Society at the same time. It was recommended that for young Society in their infancy - that any Society which is formed within the last 18/24 months of election time - they continue into the next term without elections because of their infancy. The next term will be considered the second term in office.
13. If during the term any of the Society positions are vacated for whatever reason, the positions are to be filled by local elections or nominations by the local executive, if there are inadequate volunteers for elections.
